About Warrick Wynne...


I have been writing poetry for about fifteen years and have been published in a wide variety of literary journals here and in other countries and have been broadcast on the ABC and in other places. I won the Max Harris Poetry Prize in 2003, the Red Earth Poetry Prize in 1992 and have been a runner up in several other poetry awards including the Mattara Poetry Prize.

I was the featured writer in an early issue of PoetryInk (Number 6), an electronic poetry magazine.  That was my first experience of digital publishing. I published a poem with them which you can read from the link below, or look at a short essay I wrote about the writing of that poem.

You can read more about my intentions regarding this site in an article I wrote for 'Five Bells' called 'The Web and Me - A Personal History'.I have also been involved in a small way helping to edit some of the poetry for the Tasmanian magazine, The Famous Reporter , which is edited by Ralph Wessman. (Walleah Press, PO Box 368, North Hobart, Tasmania, 7002.) I'm a member of the Fellowship of Victorian Writers (FAW) and the Poets' Union. I'm also the convener of the Education Committee of the newly formed Poetry Australia Foundation and am contributing to the discussion there.

I have three books of poetry published, the most recent is The State of the Rivers and Streams (2002) . The Colour of Maps (Five Islands 1995) was the second and is available from Five Islands Press. My first collection was Lost Things & Other Poems (Butterfly Books 1992) is now only available directly from me. Email me for details. In 2000 I was awarded a fellowship from the Australia Council to work on my poetry at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre in Ireland for six weeks.The web site about that experience is available HERE.  An article I wrote for 'Thylazine Magazine' about Irish landscape is available as a pdf HERE