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SITE HISTORY (newest things are at the top)

Upated Biog pic after six years 28/11/2009

Moved the site from AANET back Netspace, updated the search facility - 17/5/2009

Had a fit of inspiration and registered at a reduced price from Yahoo. Both and now work - 12/2/2006

New front page (streamlined and stripped down) Also, some more simplifying and removing to make the site sharper and more focused - 14/8/2005

Moved the domain where the site is actually situated from to netspace, which meant getting the site down from 34MB to 7MB.(Netspace had a 10MB limit) This meant getting rid of a lot of extraneous material and focusing the site purely on the poetry. The address remains - October 2004

Registered the domain name: I figure if it's good enough for Les Murray it's good enough for me, and the hyphen in was causing some confusion. - April 2004

Revamped the SEARCH ENGINE for the site - October 2002. It works quite well now. Try it!

Registered the domain  - August 2002

Added a weblog courtesy of and simplified the front page so it was quicker to open, undoing all the stuff I learned when I went to that Dreamweaver launch last year - September 2001

Site moved to Alphalink with the new URL www.poetry December 2000

The virtual page cease service so the page goes back to its old and longer URL - August 2000

Re-designed opening page - June 2000

'State of the Net' - Article written for 'Five Bells' added - April 2000

Search This Site, Site Map, and 'What's New Section added March 2000

Link to my poem Autumn at Limestone (UK) added. (March 2000)

Textbook section updated with new editions released - January 2000

Review of Mal Morgan's 'Beautiful Veins' added to Review section [November 1999]

Link to my poem, The Bay at 'Prairie Poetry' [October 1999]

Updated the Suburban Margins section and added a photo gallery [September 1999]

Added this 'history' page, changed the front page [September 1999]

Added the article: The Web and Me: A Personal History [Written for  'Five Bells Magzine' - April 1999]

Suburban Margins: a project on disappearing landscapes and the invasion of the suburbs added. [March 1999]

Two virtual URLS established to point to the new site. They are: and [March 1999] The real site address is below.

Broadened the site to include links to my teaching; it seemed a natural thing to [December 1998]

This site moved from Geocities to new host: [November 1998]

This page included in the Pandora Project by the National Library [November 1998]

Added some reviews of Australian poetry I'd done for Australian Book Review [October 1998]

Landscape & Memory component of the site added (July 1998)

Changed the site and substituted the web friendly font Verdana throughout. I think I got the idea from John Tranter and his ideas on typography and the web at his poetry site JACKET  (February 1997)

Site Established at Geocities - 3rd Sept 1996